Increase Your IQ: Is your computer considered CLEAN?

Increase Your IQ: Is your computer considered CLEAN?

In cybersecurity, a “clean” desk doesn’t mean a tidy desk.

It can be easy to let our workspace get a little messy with our busy days. We have notes to ourselves, documents (digital and physical!) and devices galore. All of this can start to clutter our desks, and clutter is one thing, but keeping our desks cyber-secure is another. This month's newsletter will focus on how to keep your desk clean in the cybersecurity sense.

The 3 P’s — Plan, Protect and Pick up

When you get to work, plan for your day. What documents will you need? What documents might you have had open or out that can be filed away? When you can plan out your day with only the necessary documents and items, you ensure that critical information isn’t out in the open without your knowledge — everything is accounted for.

You leave your workspace to grab a coffee or use the restroom; you must protect your space whenever you are away. It is as simple as pressing the Windows key+L on a Windows computer and Command+Control+Q on a Mac. This will lock your computer back to the original login screen. Don’t forget about your other devices either! Additionally, scan your workspace for any physical documents or USB drives that are accessible. Be sure to lock those up — anyone passing by could quickly swipe that off your desk, intentionally or not.

Pick up
At the end of your workday, take time to securely clean your space. Start wherever you feel is necessary. Do you need to organize and secure all of your electronic files back to their folders? Do you need to place all of your physical documents back in their respective folders and lock them up in a secure cabinet? Be sure to lock your computer screen and even physically lock it up if available in a locked drawer or another locking device you have access to. Taking a few minutes at the end of your day to make sure your desk is cyber-secure will put you one step ahead for the next day!

New — Clean desk checklist

Check out the recently added clean desk policy checklist to the Infosec IQ Content Library. This simple checklist can help you and others in your organization stay cyber-secure. It follows the simple 3 P’s and gives you a list of non-negotiable items for everyday security.

Passwords in a notebook? — No way!

Use a password manager to protect and store your passwords

You’re always hearing about creating a secure password, but how do you keep your secure passwords protected? Using a password manager app can help you remember (or forget) passwords. A password manager is a secure vault for all your passwords — like a glorified password notebook, but a lot more secure! You only have to remember one password, which allows you and your computer to access the rest of your passwords for all of your logins. This also means you can (and should!) create different passwords for each account, keeping you ahead of any hackers!

Tuesday Training… "Malware”"

Get the facts you need on malware: what it is, how it works and what you can do to protect yourself and your organization against it.