

Public clouds vs. private data centers: Which ones are more sustainable?

With more businesses striving to reduce their environmental impact, the debate between public clouds and private data centers is gaining traction. Both have their pros and cons, but which one offers a more sustainable approach? This article explores the key factors that contribute to the environmental footprint of each, from energy consumption to carbon emissions, […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Phishing

Phishing can be catastrophic for organizations. Phishing attacks make up 44% of social engineering incidents and Some of the most-clicked phishing emails are disguised as corporate communications, such as emails about performance reviews and approval of documents.

5 Common security threats you need to know

Protecting your IT systems requires understanding the security threats that can strike from both inside and outside your organization. Learn about the five most common security threats and how you can take action to safeguard your business. Accidental malware installation Malware, also known as malicious software, is software created that causes damage to computers, servers, […]

Boost your home Wi-Fi with these tricks

Slow or unreliable Wi-Fi can be frustrating, especially when working from home. Now more than ever, a stable internet connection is critical. One way to boost your home Wi-Fi signal is by adding wireless repeaters or access points to your setup. What are wireless repeaters and access points? Wireless repeaters and access points both extend […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: MFA

To guard data and protect against password exploitation, many organizations and commonly used applications are implementing MFA, or multi-factor authentication.

In computer security, an authentication factor is anything that you use to authenticate yourself with a system.

What is an Excel slicer, and how can It help simplify your data?

Spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel are incredibly useful, but they can become overwhelming, especially when managing large datasets. Functions like filtering are helpful, yet not always easy to master. Fortunately, Excel offers slicers, a simple yet effective way to filter complex data visually. With slicers, navigating and analyzing your data becomes much more efficient, […]

Must-try Google Chrome tricks to unlock faster browsing

Google Chrome is a powerful browser packed with features, but not everyone knows how to maximize its potential. If your browsing feels sluggish or you’re constantly battling slow load times, it might be time to explore some lesser-known tricks. From memory-saving extensions to smarter web page management, these must-try Google Chrome tricks will help you […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Strong passwords

The key to a successful password is creating something easy to remember but hard to guess. Incorporate a favorite quote, a song title or a favorite sports player into your password, and it becomes more complex.

A password manager app provides a secure vault for all your passwords.

Keep your business powered up with a quality UPS

Every business owner dreads power outages. Imagine having a productive day, tasks in full swing, and then suddenly everything goes dark. Computers shut down, work is interrupted, and valuable data hangs by a thread. This scenario is every business’s nightmare, but surprisingly, many still overlook a simple yet effective solution — a quality uninterruptible power […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Recipe for Cybersecurity

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Private companies and government agencies unite to raise awareness on cybersecurity topics critical to protecting your safety online.

This year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month focuses on four topics to create the best recipe for cybersecurity success: recognizing and reporting phishing, using strong passwords and a password manager, updating software and enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Before we get into these in details, check out this video with my pal Ketron at Infosec on how you can have a Recipe for Cybersecurity!