

Protect your business with these secure web browsers

One of the most common ways cybercriminals gain access to business networks is through unsecured web browsers. Cybercriminals can exploit vulnerabilities in these browsers to launch an attack on your systems. To ensure the safety of your business, use one of these secure browsers. Brave Brave has been gaining traction in recent years. It enables […]

How new technology can boost your business efficiency

Adopting new technology is essential in business today. Failure to do so may result in missed opportunities to leverage tools that can enhance the efficiency of your work and strengthen your business. Here are several business benefits of adopting new technology. Automation and streamlining of tasks With the help of new technologies, tasks like invoicing, […]

Proven strategies for ironclad cybersecurity

Despite improvements in cybersecurity solutions in recent years, a significant proportion of small businesses still rely on basic levels of protection. This approach is no longer viable, as cybercriminals have become highly adept at social engineering techniques and at identifying vulnerabilities in software and processes that they can take advantage of. In this blog, we’ll […]

Just The Facts: Is your computer considered CLEAN?

In cybersecurity, a “clean” desk doesn’t mean a tidy desk.

It can be easy to let our workspace get a little messy with our busy days. We have notes to ourselves, documents (digital and physical) and devices galore. All of this can start to clutter our desks, and clutter is one thing, but keeping our desks cyber-secure is another.

How to increase the life span of your business computer and hardware

If you rely heavily on computers for routine tasks in daily operations, making sure they keep running as smoothly and efficiently as possible is essential. When done right, maintaining your PCs, as well as other hardware, will ensure more efficient workflows and fewer annoying IT hiccups along the way. Fortunately, proper computer and hardware maintenance […]

Crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to keep your site running smoothly

Are you unsure about the performance of your WordPress site? With just a few routine maintenance checks, you can ensure the security, safety, and optimal performance of your site. In this article, we’ll go over the top WordPress maintenance tasks that you should perform regularly. Update your WordPress passwords regularly Having unique and complex passwords […]

Lift the burden of manual tasks with automation

For your business to get the most out of workflow automation, it is important to understand exactly what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers. In this blog, we will explore all of those things and show you how workflow automation can help your business run more smoothly and efficiently. Understanding workflow […]

The five types of hackers targeting SMBs

Small- or medium-sized business (SMB) owners may think they’re unimportant enough to be targeted by hackers. But the truth is that SMBs are prime targets for hackers since they see these organizations — which have less security and fewer resources compared to enterprises — as easy marks. Fortunately, knowing who these attackers are and what […]

How to keep your device safe from prying eyes

Any computing device can be a potential target for cybercriminals. It is therefore important to ensure that these devices are secure from unauthorized access and are not being used for malicious ends. Here are some proven strategies to help you keep your work devices secure. Install anti-malware software No matter what type of device you […]