Increase Your IQ: Malware

As Anthony mentioned in the video, the most common type of malware is a virus. Viruses can be transmitted through email attachments, USB/Flash drives or by clicking on bad links on websites. Whenever you receive a document through email, you should message the sender through a secure channel to confirm they sent it.

Increase Your IQ: Social Engineering

Do you get spam calls on your number like Erica? Do you know if you have ever been a victim of social engineering? Were you ever asked to share your personal information or send money on a phone call like Anthony described in the video?

As Anthony described, social engineers try to manipulate you by making you believe that they are from a legitimate company.

Increase Your IQ: Mobile Security Recap

Do you keep your mobile device locked when you are away from your phone?  Do you have encryption enabled on your device?  If you’re unsure, it’s easy to check the settings on your device to find if encryption is toggled On or Off.

As Anthony mentioned, security updates from vendors protect you from vulnerabilities on your device.

Increase Your IQ: Password Security Recap Copy

Are you keeping an eye out for those “Red Flags” Anthony pointed out?  Or do you ignore those warnings like Cecil, deciding to click past them in the interest of saving time?

Before clicking links contained in any email or website, take a few seconds to make sure they are safe.

Increase Your IQ: Password Security Recap

How do you make your password secure?  As mentioned by Anthony a good password is one which is long enough, has numbers, special, upper and lower-case characters in it. Look at the following examples, which of these look safe to you?


Always keep unique passwords for each account, and keep them different from the passwords used in other applications or websites.

Increase Your IQ: Phishing and Working from Home

Identifying phishing attacks isn’t as easy as many make it out to be. Most everyone considers themselves like Anthony, the IT wiz with all the answers. Very few think they’re like Cecil, totally ignorant of phishing and unsure what to do when one arrives to their email.

Increase Your IQ: Need to Know Phishing

Anthony gave us an overview of the world of cybersecurity. The most important step you can take is to be aware of the risks and dangers that exist in our world full of technology. Hackers are not movie characters nor kids messing around, they are criminals.

Increase Your IQ: Need to Know Introduction

Let's start off with a few questions...

Do you ever get frustrated when you can’t connect to your Office WiFi or other trusted Wireless network from your computer, so you try to connect to another stronger, available, yet unknown signal?
Do you ever send sensitive information over email?
Do you ever step away from your computer without locking or securing it?

I know you’re thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah…we’ve heard this before”, but it remains paramount you keep these topics front and center of your mind.

Increase Your IQ: Working Remotely

As we are full swing into the holiday season, many of us have hit the road like our friend, “traveling man” Jack. Whether you’re traveling for work or recreation, it is important to always remain cybersafe when online.